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Account-based pension calculator

Find out the income you'll get from super

Page reading time: 5 minutes

This calculator is for people less than 2 years away from retirement or in retirement.

It helps you work out:

Account based pension calculator

required field

You and your pension

Pension details

Pension fees

Investment options

Getting results...


Your result is:

Your super pension

By drawing a pension of $0, We estimate your super will last until age .

Balance at age : $0

Alternative super pension

Alternative super pension

By drawing a pension of $0, We estimate your super will last until age .

Balance at age : $0

Compare alternative pension

Pension fees

Investment options

Advanced - advice cost and inflation

Advice cost



Recent changes to the methodology and assumptions used in the calculations will impact the projection results. As of 8 February 2023, the results are now adjusted for future increases in cost of living by deflating projected values back to today’s dollar value. The Wage Inflation assumption is used for the period up to retirement and the CPI inflation assumption for the period in retirement.


  • This is a model, not a prediction.
  • The results from this calculator are based on the limited information that you have provided and assumptions made about the future. The amounts projected are estimates only and are not guaranteed.
  • This calculator cannot predict your final superannuation benefit or level of retirement income with certainty because this will depend on your personal circumstances, unexpected life events, the age pension paid, investment earnings, tax and inflation.
  • This calculator assumes that all assumptions remain steady and predictable over time. These assumptions are essential so the calculator can show the effect of things you may be able to control, such as choosing a different investment option.
  • Consider updating the projections provided by this model regularly, particularly if your circumstances have changed.
  • Some of the assumptions can be changed to reflect your personal circumstances.
  • The calculator works for people aged up to 80 years. A date of birth more than 80 years before today's date will show as an 'invalid date'.
  • Do not rely solely on this calculator to make decisions about your retirement. There may be other factors to take into account. Consider your own needs, financial situation and investment objectives. You may wish to get advice from a licensed financial adviser.
  • As of 17 April 2020, these calculators will use a single set of assumptions.
    The default assumptions in this calculator are based on Treasury’s long-term retirement income models. For more information on Treasury’s long-term retirement income modelling assumptions see the 2019 Treasury Research Institute paper ‘Accumulation of superannuation across a lifetime’.


For accumulation funds only

  • The calculator works for accumulation funds only. It will not work for defined benefit funds.
  • We assume your account balance will receive all income and outgoings mid-year.

Results are in today's dollars

  • Results are shown in today's dollars, which means they are adjusted for future increases in cost of living by deflating projected values back to today’s dollar value using the CPI inflation assumption.

Inflation assumptions

  • We make the following default assumptions about CPI inflation and Wage Inflation (which you can change under the Advanced Settings - Other section of the calculator):
    • CPI inflation of 2.5% each year; and
    • Wage Inflation of 3.7% each year
  • CPI inflation is used to inflate the following legislative factors throughout the projection:
    • Your income in retirement
    • Today’s dollar value adjustment
  • Wage Inflation is used to inflate the following legislative and other factors throughout the projection:
    • $ per annum Administration Fees and Advisor Fees

Transfer Balance Cap

  • The Transfer Balance Cap is the cap on the amount of superannuation eligible to be transferred to account-based pensions in retirement. This Transfer Balance Cap of $1,900,000 at 1 July 2023 is indexed with CPI inflation over time and increases in increments of $100,000.
  • The calculator does not allow for balances in excess of the Transfer Balance Cap.

Drawdowns in retirement

  • It is assumed you have retired on or after the relevant preservation age.
  • The calculator determines the drawdowns from your account based pension required to achieve a steady income in retirement.
  • The calculator applies the minimum drawdown rules annually to your drawdowns from your account based pension each year which may result in a higher income being paid to you in some years.

Retirement income

  • The calculator determines the retirement income such that your account-based pension account will last until the 1 July after you reach the age your super is set to run out. You can select the age you want your super to run out in 'Advanced settings - Other'.
  • Only your retirement income from your account-based pension is included in projected results. Income from the government age pension or any other investments is not included.

Results are shown at 1 July

  • Your projected account based pension balance is shown at 1 July after you reach the age indicated on the chart.
  • Your projected income results are shown for the financial year beginning on 1 July after you reach the age indicated on the chart. For example the super balance shown for age 65 is the balance at 1 July after your 65th birthday.

Investment return

We make the following default assumption for investment return:

  • Investment return before investment fees of 6.5% each year

Actual returns will vary significantly from year to year and could be negative in some years, particularly for investment mixes where more is invested in shares and property. This calculator does not allow for such variations. You can vary assumptions in 'Advanced settings'.

There is a lot to consider when comparing investment options between funds. Risk and return objectives and asset allocation within investment options may differ between funds and should be taken into account when comparing funds.


  • We assume that you have provided your Tax File Number to your superannuation fund.
  • No allowance is made for any other tax. In particular, if you receive a benefit amount before age 60 no allowance is made for any income tax payable.

Administration fees

  • We assume the dollar per annum administration fees are charged mid-year on average and will increase with Wage Inflation each year and that the administration fees charged as a % of your balance are charged mid-year on average.
  • We assume that these fees are tax deductible within super.
  • We make a default assumption for administration fees of $74 per annum in today’s dollars.

Investment fees

  • These fees represent costs relating to the management of your investments and are directly deducted from your account.
  • We assume that the investment fees charged as a % of your balance are charged mid-year on average.
  • We assume that these fees are tax deductible within super.
  • We make a default investment fee assumption of 0.85%.

Indirect cost ratio / indirect costs

  • We assume that the indirect costs are charged as a % of your balance are charged mid-year on average.
  • We assume that these fees are tax deductible within super and that tax deductions are credited before deducting these fees from the returns that are applied to your account.
  • We make a default assumption of 0% indirect costs.

Adviser service fees

  • In 'Advanced settings' you can enter the adviser service fees that you are charged.
  • We assume the dollar per annum adviser fees are charged mid-year on average and will increase with Wage Inflation each year and that the adviser fees charged as a % of your balance are charged mid-year on average.
  • We assume that these fees are tax deductible within super.