Find an organisation that can help with elder care and support services for seniors.
Australian Government agency responsible for aged care quality and complaints about aged care services |
represents self-funded retirees on issues that affect them |
consumer body protecting the wellbeing of older people |
peak body for people of all ages living with dementia, their family and carers |
payments and services for retirees and people planning to retire or work past Age Pension age |
programs, services and grants for seniors |
advice for veterans on a range of issues, including pensions, health care, home care and housing |
access point for Australian Government aged care services |
lobbies government on behalf of people aged 50 and over |
national advocacy and information for people raising a concern or complaint about aged care |
not-for-profit looking after the retirement interests of members |
care and support services in urban, rural and remote places |
Australian Capital Territory
not-for-profit helping older people and their carers |
ACT government: Services and support for older Canberrans |
information and advice about elder abuse |
Northern Territory
NT government: Office of Senior Territorians |
information and links for older people and those who provide services to seniors |
Seniors Rights Service (Darwin Community Legal Service) |
helping older people with their rights |
New South Wales
Older People's Mental Health (OPMH) services (NSW Health) |
activities and programs to support the mental health and wellbeing of older people |
NSW government: Planning Ahead Tools |
tools and resources about wills and powers of attorney |
community legal centre for older people receiving care at home, in nursing homes and retirement villages |
not-for-profit supporting the wellbeing of older people |
Elder Abuse Prevention Unit (EAPU) UnitingCare Community |
promoting the right of older people to live free from abuse — operates under Lifeline Brisbane |
Queensland government: Office of the Public Guardian |
looking after the rights of adults who can't make their own decisions |
information and resources on staying active and healthy in older age |
Caxton Legal Centre (CLC) Seniors Legal and Support Service (SLASS) |
legal service for seniors |
Seniors Enquiry Line UnitingCare Community |
enquiry line for seniors and their families, friends and carers |
Queensland government: Seniors one stop shop |
links to Queensland Government services for seniors |
South Australia
guidance on how to support older people who are being abused |
links to health services for older people |
SA government: Seniors' rights |
guidance for seniors about their legal rights |
looking after the rights of seniors |
programs to promote healthy ageing |
safety advice and contacts for older people |
Victorian government: Ageing and aged care |
links to the Victorian Government's aged care services |
promoting the rights of Victorians who receive aged care services |
Victorian government: Seniors Online |
Victorian Government resources for older Victorians |
information and support to protect the elderly and prevent abuse |
Western Australia
access to services with universal access, such as parking, toilets, accommodation, sports and recreation |
advocating for older people and people with disabilities |
information, training, funding and hire services for people to live independent lives |
not-for-profit advocating for seniors |
WA government: Seniors Housing |
advice on housing options for seniors |